Typical clients have a net worth of greater than $2,500,000
We'll analyze your full financial picture and design a personalized tax plan to preserve your income, minimize your tax burden, and eliminate surprises at tax time
Well-timed gifting that optimizes all appropriate tax benefits, and is in sync with your overall wealth plan. We'll work with you to clearly define your philanthropic style and help you maximize the impact of your gifts to support an organization that's close to your heart.
When you work with us, we'll keep a close eye on your books and will become the financial advisor you rely on for sound advice
Tim and Pam had successful careers in their respective fields. They had worked with a local CPA for years to file their taxes, but were looking for more specific expertise and tax planning. They approached Allmon, DiBernardo & Associates to work with their attorney to develop a plan to minimize their estate tax.
With more than 25 years of experience in complex tax planning, our team began with a comprehensive evaluation of Tim and Pam, their family, and their goals. During this evaluation, we discovered that ensuring their heirs managed their inheritance in a responsible manner was as big of a concern to Tim and Pam as was reducing the estate tax.
Our team worked alongside Tim and Pam’s attorney to form various types of trusts that would accomplish different goals. We established one trust that would preserve enough principal to provide for the basic needs of Tim and Pam’s heirs, another trust that allowed for pre-established distributions for more leisurely expenses, and a final trust to fund education expenses, including financial education for the heirs. In addition, we were able to avoid all of the estate tax, so the entirety of Tim and Pam’s wealth will be preserved for their heirs into perpetuity.
A simple 3-step onboarding process
After submitting your request, we review the information and then follow up via email to submit the necessary tax documents. Then, we'll schedule a time for your initial planning call.
In this meeting, we'll review your situation and determine where and how we can add value. We'll discuss which services may align best with your current & future needs.
After meeting & reviewing your situation, we prepare a multi-page proposal that shows you your potential tax savings & the different strategies we recommend.